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Here is a normal sized old Potain- I think it is from H30 series. But this crane has a height under hook of 140m (with one tie). So, I posted that picture to have an insight how a 140m HUH tower crane looms over the city. Very impressive, of course!
There were some cranes in the history of tower cranes with heights close to that value:
Potain MD1000 had a maximum height under hook , freestanding and rail going of 140m, Linden 8952 was 139m HUH and Potain MD1400 had a height under hook of 137,4m.
There was also a very beautiful Peiner project from 1980 - MK1800, with a hook height of 140m, 28 m reach and 18 m counterjib. The crane, mounted on static base has a very similar design with MK1250, with the cab inside the tower, but the mast was about 5,5x5.5m.
That crane is quoted by Mr. Heinz Gert Kessel in his Cranes Today article:


So, likely all the cranes from Peiner MK series (up to MK5000 of about 6000mt) were intended to have the cab inside the tower.
Also the old Liebherr had a similar position of the cab, inward- 750C, 820C, 1600C, 2500C project, old 800HC. Only 1800C had the cab outward, in front of the tower. AS a fact, even Hans Libherr, the company founder stated taht a real Liebherr ought to have the cab inside the tower. Unfortunately, this vision wasn't continued for the large cranes from HC series- from new 800HC to 4000HC.


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Gast Kränchen

Beeindruckende Grösse kreisch.gif
.... aber einen Schönheitspreis für gelungenes Industrie Design werden die Dänen wohl niemals bekommen whistling.gif laugh.gif

Wohl wahr sleep.gif , allerdings ist die Konstruktion der Kroll Krane bis hin zum K 10000 immer wieder einer Beachtung wert yes.gif

So z.B. erziehlt die zum Gegenausleger hin gerade geneigte Turmspitze eine hohe Stabilität und auch der "umgedrehte" Hauptausleger könnte in den auftretenden Biegemomenten Vorteile haben gegenüber herkömmlichen Konstruktionen eusa_think.gif

Ich denke mal Kroll hat so seine ganze eigene Art von Kundschaft, die höchsten Wert auf eine stabile Konstruktion legen und zudem Langlebigkeit der Krane fordern, die ja vielfach in wetterbedingt rauhen Gegenden der Welt zum Einsatz kommen rolleyes.gif

Da ist für Designpreisspielchen a´la Liebherr mit seinem 81 K wohl kein Platz mehr shades.gif

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